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Allergies making you miserable? Here's what causing your symptoms in Spokane

Believe it or not, the pollen coating the cars likely isn't to blame if you are suffering from allergies in the Spokane area.

SPOKANE, Wash. — Allergy season is upon us in the Spokane area. From sniffles and sneezing to pollen coating everything, the signs are just about everywhere. 

This round of pollen comes thanks to the trees and grass. If you’re allergic to ragweed, you don’t have to worry yet.

The peak of tree pollen coinciding with a breezy, warm start to the week made for a tough Monday for allergy sufferers. Tree pollen reached the high levels and will stay elevated in the coming days. The wind helped lift grass pollen into the air, compounding the allergy woes of many.

The pollen from the pines is what coated our cars Monday. The pine pollen might be an easy thing to blame, but it isn’t typically one that causes allergy suffering. It’s the other trees in the Inland Northwest that pack a bigger punch. The alder, birch, cottonwood, and sycamore trees are much more potent for most sufferers.

Similarly, grass pollen is often to blame when it comes to allergy suffering. Right now, grass pollen levels are hovering between moderate and high. Things like wind and even rain can kick that pollen from the grass down at the ground up into the air, exacerbating suffering.

Allergens are here for the summer. Things like a windy day or a little rain can take pollen air born. The worst days for sufferers will often be ones with a light wind or a little rain.

Little things like showering often or changing air filter can go a long way when it comes to reducing suffering. You can also minimize your exposure to the outdoors, but who wants to do that when it is so nice outside.



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