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LOB reunited: Seahawks reach deal with Brandon Browner

Brandon Browner will return to the Seahawks. 

SAN DIEGO, CA - AUGUST 08: Brandon Browner #39 of the Seattle Seahawks lines up against the San Diego Chargers at Qualcomm Stadium on August 8, 2013 in San Diego, California. (Photo by Harry How/Getty Images)

SEATTLE -- The original Seattle Seahawks Legion of Boom is back.

The Seahawks have agreed to a one-year contract with cornerback Brandon Browner, ESPN's Adam Schefter reported Sunday. Monetary terms were not disclosed.

Browner confirmed the news on Instagram.

"I've been excited about this one, been trying to keep it to myself. Secrets out, I'm grateful and can't wait to get back to work," Browner said.

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Browner, 31, was one of the founding members of the LOB along with Richard Sherman, Kam Chancellor, and Earl Thomas. Browner played for the Seahawks from 2011-2013.

Sherman and Chancellor welcomed Browner back via social media. "Welcome back home brother," Chancellor said on Twitter. "Back at it again....LOB," Sherman posted.

Browner won a Super Bowl with the Seahawks in his final year with the team although he did not play in Super Bowl XLVIII. He was suspended at the time for violating the league's policy on use of performance-enhancing drugs.

Browner played for the New England Patriots the following year, defeating his former team in Super Bowl XLIX. Browner played a key role on the goal line interception that ended the game by jamming receiver Jermaine Kearse. That allowed Browner's teammate Malcom Butler to cut the route taken by Ricardo Lockette and pick off Russell Wilson's pass to seal the win.

Last season, Browner signed a three-year, $15 million deal with the New Orleans Saints. But Browner struggled all season and set an NFL record for most the penalties in a season. He was flagged 24 times, 21 of which were accepted. He finished the year with one interception, ten passes defended, and 76 tackles. The Saints released him last month.

Browner played much of last season with a torn MCL. A source tells Schefter the team hopes a return to Seattle can help him turn things around.

The Seahawks struggled to find a suitable cornerback opposite Sherman last season. They signed Cary Williams last offseason but cut him in December after he was ineffective.

Browner joins defensive end Chris Clemons as members of the Super Bowl XLVIII-winning team to return to Seattle. The team announced April 1 it reached terms with Clemons after he spent the last two seasons with the Jacksonville Jaguars.

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